How to install Medma Dropship extension?
- Purchase and Download the package from "My Downloadable Products" page of your account at our website.
- Unzip the zipped package.
- Create "Medma" directory in "app/code/" directory through ftp.
- Create "Dropship" directory in "app/code/Medma/" directory through ftp.
- Copy all files and folders from directory “medma-dropship” (extracted in point 2) to server location "app/code/Medma/Dropship".
- Connect to your server through ssh and change to your magento installation root.
- Execute below commands one by one :-
1. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
2. chmod 777 -R var
3. chmod 777 -R pub
4. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
5. chmod 777 -R var
6. chmod 777 -R pub - Navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> General setting -> Enable module. Select 'Yes' to enable the module, 'No' otherwise.
- All the admin configurations can be found by navigating to Medma -> Configuration -> Medma -> Medma Dropship.
- The module can be enabled/disabled by navigating to Medma -> Configuration -> Medma -> Medma Dropship -> General -> Enable Module.
- The functionalities for various user groups can be accessed by navigating to Medma -> Configuration -> Medma -> Medma Dropship and selecting appropriate user group accordingly.
- The sign questionnaire can be enabled/disabled by navigating to Medma -> Configuration -> Medma -> Medma Dropship -> Signup Questionnaire -> Enable Module.
- That's it!