Q: During the installation of "Move Bulk Products in Multiple Categories" through Magento Connect Manager, the following error message is seen:
Connect Error: Unsupported resource type.
How to resolve this issue?
A: Please try it on a different browser as this is probably related to internet connection or the downloader.
In case the issue still exists, please share access of the store with us by raising your ticket and we will look into it.
Q: After installing the "Move Bulk Products in Multiple Categories" extension, the below AJAX error shows up:
Error returned : Fatal error: Class ‘Medma_Assigncategory_Helper_Data’ not found in /homepages/30/d402495904/htdocs/discostore/app/Mage.php on line 546
No such error comes up if compilation is disabled but in this case the extension can not be seen in the admin panel.
How to resolve this issue?
A: This problem can occur due to the following reasons:
Helper file not present
Conflict with some extension
Refresh all the cache and then check.
If possible uninstall and install the extension again, this should fix the problem.
In case the issue still exists, please share access of the store with us by raising your ticket and we will look into it.
Q: After Installing the extension "Bulk the products assign" button does not appear. What to do?
A: Please log off from Admin panel and login again. If it still does not work, then provide us below details to check and fix issues in your store.